Source Apigee is a platform for developing and managing APIs. By fronting services with a proxy layer, Apigee provides an…
Many large firms, especially Banks and Financial Institutions are moving to a Mainframe-Multi Cloud model of computing. This is a…
End User, Security Group (JWT etc), to the Front End application, Proxy (nginx), to the API Gateway where policies are…
AWS offers a means to organisation the usage of the platform, and to manage multiple accounts within a single organisation. …
How Does Fargate Work? Fargate allows you to deploy containers without setting up or managing the infrastructure that will host…
AWS API Gateway is extremely powerful and easy to deploy. You don’t have to manage any infrastructure (i.e. no purchasing,…
AWS CloudFormation is an infrastructure-as-code tool that defines resources and their configurations in a standardized template — either a JavaScript… AWS announced the general availability of AWS Mainframe Modernization, a new service that makes it faster and easier for…
APIs provide the standardized contract that was missing from the SOAP environment. SOAP messaging and related protocols were used in…
There are four levels of DR protection in AWS. DR patterns: From least costly and complex to most. 1-Backup and…