Unisys survey (Fall 2019) of >1000 IT professionals surveyed on the Business Benefits of moving to the Cloud.
70% say that moving to the Cloudy has met or exceeded expectations (and business-IT objectives). This means that about 1/3 are disappointed with the results of moving to the Cloud. Cloudy in any variety is complex, the details must be understood including current and future estates, skills, resources, budgets, business objectives, ROI, and operational support. It is an on-going never ending replatforming and project. Security and other key design principles must be built-in from the beginning. Environmental management and standardisation, cost control, and governance are often missing along with operational runbooks and a practical approach to system support.

“Companies that made cloud core to their business (by integrating an adoption plan into their broader business transformation strategy at the outset) were more than twice as likely to see great or moderate improvements to their business compared to those for which cloud was a minor part of their business strategy,” the report stated.
This observation is based on the findings shared in the report that suggest the 32% of organisations which described cloud as “core to their strategy” were 30% more likely to report benefits than the 49% which described it as being a “major part” of their overall business plans.
The report went on to warn companies that are neglecting to make cloud a core part of their business strategy that they are leaving themselves open to being out-innovated by their competitors, with 41% of respondents citing this as a major concern and 30% claiming to have already been affected by a rival firm moving to the cloud.”