RightScale and the State of the Cloudy 2019 Report. Worth a read. #1 issue, Governance and Cost control…Azure + PaaS growing quickly.
Enterprise central IT focuses on managing and optimizing cloud costs.
• 66 percent of enterprises already have a central cloud team or cloud centre of excellence, with another 21 percent planning one.
Managing cloud spend and cloud governance are the top challenges for enterprises.
• Cloud cost management and cloud governance are top challenges regardless of cloud maturity
The #1 priority in 2019 is cloud cost optimization.
• Optimizing existing cloud use for cost savings continues to be the top initiative in 2019 for the third year in a row, increasing to 64 percent from 58 percent in 2018.
Azure continues to grow quickly and reduce the AWS lead, especially among enterprises.
• Overall Azure adoption grew from 45 to 52 percent to narrow the gap with AWS. As a result, Azure adoption has now reached 85 percent of AWS adoption, up from 70 percent last year
Use of PaaS services from public cloud providers is exploding.
• Serverless is the top-growing extended cloud service for the second year