Magic DevOps Many tools, many deployment platforms, many deployment models. Standardise, train, learn, understand, deploy, fail, remediate, improve, keep trying,…
iCaaS or Integration Capability as a Service For large enterprises, integrating platforms is time-consuming and difficult. Usually APIs are used…
According to word salads and theory, everything is easy. In reality the opposite is usually true, which is why Agile…
CI/CD is often visualized as a pipeline. A more apt analogy would be a manufacturing process; where new code is…
‘Cloud Native’ which is building code and services natively to the Cloud platform in question, can be viewed as part…
Overview of PaaS (platform as a service), CaaS (Container as a Service), aPaaS (application Platform as a service) – by…
RightScale and the State of the Cloudy 2019 Report. Worth a read. #1 issue, Governance and Cost control…Azure + PaaS…
Migration, Security According to Forrester less than half of all enterprises use a public cloud platform right now. However, recent…
Unisys survey (Fall 2019) of >1000 IT professionals surveyed on the Business Benefits of moving to the Cloud. 70% say…