There are a wide variety of databases. With cloud and hybrid architectures often see the following: Relational DB A structured format with rows…
A useful architecture to move data from on-premises to AWS is to consider using AWS S3 outputs and move data…
AWS Database Migration Service or DMS is a mature process to move on premises data to the AWS cloud, including…
In essence Data Operations is based on DevSecOps or DevOps and applies these same ideas to the life cycle of…
DataLake The entire concept of a Data Operations Platform rests on top of a Data Lake. There is no simple…
Data Operations ‘DataOps’ has been inspired by the Agile-premised ‘Development Operations’ model. The ‘DevOps’ model which usually includes security (DevSecOps),…
Data files or tables are parsed into smaller units. This is also called ‘partitioning’. A partition is usually performed against…
In simple terms we can identify the differences between Data Lakes and Data Warehouses. Data Lake: A data lake is…
Digital Transformation Digital transformation not a magic solution nor a buffet of word salads. DT is roughly defined as the…
A typical Technology Stack for a Data Lake. S3 as the Golden Source. Snowflake as a corporate Data Share with…