‘Cloud Native’ which is building code and services natively to the Cloud platform in question, can be viewed as part…
Best of Breed Cloud Platform keeps innovating 1-AWS Outposts are fully managed and configurable racks of AWS-designed hardware that let customers…
Overview of PaaS (platform as a service), CaaS (Container as a Service), aPaaS (application Platform as a service) – by…
RightScale and the State of the Cloudy 2019 Report. Worth a read. #1 issue, Governance and Cost control…Azure + PaaS…
Migration, Security According to Forrester less than half of all enterprises use a public cloud platform right now. However, recent…
Unisys survey (Fall 2019) of >1000 IT professionals surveyed on the Business Benefits of moving to the Cloud. 70% say…
Some Key Cloud Platform Monitoring tools. Nagios: Industry standard for Linux OS monitoring. The OS is the key in IT. …
DevSecOps ROI The best ROI is not to body-shop engineers but provide a holistic approach to transformation and improvement which…
Some common use cases and patterns within AWS, for DevSecOps, CI-CD Security must be built within the Dev-Ops process, of…