Containers – overview of their purpose, utility

Containers serve 3 main purposes within an application portfolio and Technology Road map:

1 ) Lift and Shift existing legacy systems onto a new platform (eg AWS), while refactoring of the application goes on in the background.  The replatforming and better networking will ensure lower latency, jitter and improved end-user experience.  Monitoring is native to Docker and Kubernetes. It will also decrease data-center costs and management as you move applications onto the Cloud.

2 ) Time pressure:  if there is a real need to move from the existing co-lo or data center to a new platform (eg. AWS), creating a container-factory process is the quickest method.  Once a team is trained on the container platform (Docker), and the target platform (eg. AWS), and has access to the media and code, you can containerise a small to medium sized application (medium is defined as up to 500 end – users), every week.

3 ) Building Cloud Native applications which are then containerised, isolated and bounded and deployed onto a hybrid, or cloud-only platform.  An example would be green-field app development using Cloud Native code and techniques on Pivotal Cloud Foundry.

Presentation below, presents an overview of Containers within a Banking domain.