SDLC, Waterfall, Agile and Testing Processes. Real World Practices.

SDLC Testing (link to powerpoint presentation)

A test process which builds a series of tests for maximum failure rate should base Requirements on the following 7 principles:
1) The requirement must be unambiguous and precise. They must conform to process work flows and be relevant.
2) A requirement must be consistent – (i) it must not have any internal contradictions – i.e. no conflicting statements within the requirement. (ii) must not have any external contradictions
3) The requirement and the requirement set must be complete and stated (i.e. signed off) as complete – i.e. demonstrate no gaps or omissions. Immutable.
4) The Requirement or requirement set must be implementable – i.e. there is high confidence of achievement in practice.
5) Any Requirement or requirement set can be proven by being challenged to the point of failure through static and dynamic testing.
6) All requirements must have either a Business, Design or Operational objective. (This means that not all requirements may be derived in a standard Requirement Definition life-cycle phase)
7) All requirements must have a measure of importance – i.e. risk, priority and impact severity defined – also allows life-cycle cascade to – most important applications (MIA’s), most important data (MID’s), most important environments (MIE’s), most important tests (MIT’s), and so most important incidents (MII’s)
Requirements need Acceptance criteria…….
Once requirements are established we can use either a Waterfall, Agile or Hybrid methodology to manage the process. Testing needs to be done from inception. The attached presentation outlines how to test based on real-world examples. It is an overview of SDLC, Agile and testing procedures.